Tiger Fans: We have extra tickets to the SJHS Basketball Game at home tonight 11/5/20. Stop by the SHS office to pick them up. Game time is 4:30 pm
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SJHS Basketball at Hoxie on Tuesday, 11/10/15 4:30 pm start time. Girls will play at Hoxie Grade School - B, A - Spectators from Stockton will sit on the North Side(Bench Side). Boys will play at Hoxie High School, B, A - Spectators from Stockton will sit on the west side of the gym(bench side). Masks are required.
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SJHS Basketball at Home on 11/5/20 against Norton. 4:30 pm start time. Girls will play in the HS Gym - B, C, A. Boys will play in the Jr. High Gym - B, A. Spectators will be limited. Extra tickets are available, please pick up ahead of time at the SHS office.
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Stockton Jr. High Basketball Shirts, order from this link: http://stocktonbasketball.itemorder.com Deadline is 11/8/20
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
2020-10-30 We have seen an increase in positive cases within our county. The absenteeism rate remains low (2.3% above baseline from 2019-2020). The positive testing rate has remained stable from last week. There is an increase in the incidence rate in the county, so we are monitoring numbers closely. We plan to continue in-person learning for the week of November 2-6, 2020. If there is any adjustment required to the learning setting due to concerns in the schools, we will update your family quickly following a decision. Masks, social distancing, and limited attendance will be practiced at all events. Please contact your school district for specific information and for ticket availability. We appreciate the support of the community as we work through these issues each week. It is important for us to work together to keep our students, staff, and community safe. Your efforts are noticed and appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
USD 271 November 2020 Calendar Changes +November 11 - Veteran's Day Program Canceled +November 11 - 2:15 pm Dismissal for Students +November 24 - 6-12 Winter Program Canceled
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
October 30, 2020 USD 271 and Rooks County Health Department will be using the Modified Isolation and Quarantine Requirements set by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment in order to provide students and staff with a safe on-site learning environment in the event of a positive case of COVID-19 in a student or staff member.  The Rooks County Health Department is notified of all positive cases of COVID-19 in the county. Once the Health Department is notified of a positive case, they are required to call all of the close contacts to the positive case.   A close contact is someone who has been within 6 feet of a case for 10 minutes or more or had direct contact with bodily secretions (for example, being coughed or sneezed on). Any students or staff that maintained a 6-foot distance from the positive case would not be considered close contacts and would therefore not be subject to the 14-day quarantine period. The time period for close contact tracing includes any day(s) the positive student or staff attended school and the preceding 48 hours prior to symptom onset (symptomatic cases) or the preceding 48 hours prior to sample collection (asymptomatic cases). Below is an explanation of the Modified Isolation and Quarantine Requirements:  The Modified Isolation and Quarantine Requirements specifically address requirements around maintaining continuity of learning in the situation where all students and staff in a classroom are exposed to COVID-19; namely the modified quarantine requirements for close contacts of a case. What this modified quarantine allows is the ability for all students and staff in the exposed classroom to continue physically attending school during their quarantine period. This guide includes some specific engineering and administrative controls that must be in place before the modified quarantine of close contacts is allowed. Modified Quarantine Requirements: These modified quarantine requirements are contingent on the close contacts of a case remaining asymptomatic. Students and staff who have had an exposure but remain asymptomatic should adhere to the following practices prior to and during the school day: o Arrival and dismissal times: Students and staff on modified quarantine must arrive and leave school on a staggered schedule without interacting with the general school population. o Pre-screen: School administrators should measure the quarantined student and staff temperatures and assess symptoms prior to the start of the school day. Ideally, temperature checks should happen before the individual enters the school building. o Medical check-in: If the quarantined student or staff becomes sick during the day, they should be sent home immediately. Surfaces in their workspace should be cleaned and disinfected. Anyone who develops illness compatible with COVID-19 during the quarantine period should notify the school administration. o Wear a mask: The quarantined students and staff should wear a face mask/face covering at all times while in the school. o Physical separation: The quarantined students and staff should be physically separated from the general school population. All activities, including mealtimes and classes like art and music, should take place within the classroom. o Bathrooms: The quarantined students and staff must have their own designated bathroom or, if feasible, common bathrooms must be cleaned after a quarantined student or staff have used them. o School activities: Quarantined students and staff should not participate in any activities that involve interaction with non-quarantined students and staff. This includes before and after school care and all school-related activities.  We currently have a classroom in one of our buildings that we are using the modified Isolation and Quarantine on due to an exposure from COVID-19. The Rooks County Health Department has contacted all of the direct contacts to the positive case, all staff, and parents of the students in the specific classroom. 
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
SJHS Basketball at Oakley on Tuesday, 11/3/20. Start time is 4:00 pm Girls will play at Oakley HS - B, C, A. Boys will play in Monument - B, A. Mask are required and our school will be ask to sit together.
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SHS Football game that was scheduled for tonight 10/29/20 with Meade has been cancelled.
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
The KSHSAA will be livestreaming the state cross country meets at all three locations. Races can be viewed live at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/kshsaa
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
State Cross Country Send-Off - There will be a send off for Johnny Hamel for State Cross Country at 9:35 am on Saturday, 10/31/20 in front of the high school. Good Luck Johnny!!
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
October 27, 2020 USD 271 - Stockton Schools Positive case of COVID-19 in a student or staff member: The Rooks County Health Department is notified of all positive cases of COVID-19 in the county. Once the Health Department is notified of a positive case, they are required to call all of the close contacts to the positive case. A close contact is someone who has been within 6 feet of a case for 10 minutes or more or had direct contact with bodily secretions (for example, being coughed or sneezed on). Any students or staff that maintained a 6-foot distance from the positive case would not be considered close contacts and would therefore not be subject to the 14-day quarantine period. The time period for close contact tracing includes any day(s) the positive student or staff attended school and the preceding 48 hours prior to symptom onset (symptomatic cases) or the preceding 48 hours prior to sample collection (asymptomatic cases). The Rooks County Health Department has contacted all of the direct contacts to the positive case, all staff, and parents of the students in the specific classrooms.
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
Reminder: SJH Sports Pictures tomorrow 10/27 for boys & girls basketball and cheer squad
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SHS Football Cross District Game at Home on Thursday, 10/29/20 against Meade - Kick-Off at 6:00 pm. Spectators will be limited. If we have extra tickets, we will post on here later in the week.
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
KSHSAA State Cross Country Meet Bound! Congratulations to Jonathan! 8th place with 18:47 at Regionals XC!! State bound next Saturday at Victoria! Cameron placed 18th! Congrats to our Tiger representatives! (Photo credits-Hamels)
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
New Link for Sub-State Volleyball at Stockton: https://youtu.be/YKVchH-EkL0
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Class 1A DI Volleyball Sub-State at Stockton on Saturday, 10/24/20 starting at 1:00 pm will be live streamed: https://youtu.be/QsLSgFBH0PE
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
2020-10-23 Rooks County schools have seen no significant change in COVID-19 activity this week. While we have some students who are quarantined at home, we have no known transmission of COVID in our schools. Our decision is based on a continued low level of absenteeism in the schools (only 1.1% above baseline from the 2019-2020 school year), a positive testing rate in the county of 12.3% over the last two weeks and a relatively stable incidence rate in Rooks County over the last two weeks. We plan to continue in-person learning for the week of October 26-30, 2020 and will monitor the data over the coming week closely. If there is any adjustment required to the learning setting due to concerns in the schools, we will update your family quickly following a decision. Regulations for postseason events were released by KSHSAA. Masks, social distancing, and limited attendance is required at all events. Please contact your school district for specific information and for ticket availability. We appreciate the support of the community as we work through these issues each week. It is important for us to work together to keep our students, staff, and community safe. Your efforts are noticed and appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Bill Lowry, Supt. USD #271 421 Main Street Stockton, KS 67669 785-425-6367
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
SHS Football vs Trego tonight at 7:00 pm will be broadcast on 103.3 FM
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
October 22, 2020 USD 271 - Stockton Schools Positive case of COVID-19 in a student or staff member: The Rooks County Health Department is notified of all positive cases of COVID-19 in the county. Once the Health Department is notified of a positive case, they are required to call all of the close contacts to the positive case. A close contact is someone who has been within 6 feet of a case for 10 minutes or more or had direct contact with bodily secretions (for example, being coughed or sneezed on). Any students or staff that maintained a 6-foot distance from the positive case would not be considered close contacts and would therefore not be subject to the 14-day quarantine period. The time period for close contact tracing includes any day(s) the positive student or staff attended school and the preceding 48 hours prior to symptom onset (symptomatic cases) or the preceding 48 hours prior to sample collection (asymptomatic cases). The Rooks County Health Department has contacted all of the direct contacts to the positive case, all staff, and parents of the students in the specific classrooms.
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green