Check it Out! USD 271 has some opportunities for you next school year!

Hi-5 Friday at SGS! Thank you to the SHS FFA members for starting our day with your hi-5s! #TigerPride271

Thank you Solutions North Bank for teaching the 6th graders about banking basics. They learned about check writing, how to make a deposit, loans, and interest rates. #TigerPride271

Congratulations to the Stockton High School 2025-2026 Cheer Squad!
Saj Snyder,
Temprance Northup,
Shae Yohon,
Meredith Gasper,
Lyric Snyder,
Kourtnie Bird,
Serenity Carpenter,
Adrienne McCoy

Congratulations to our League Honorees! Brin Muir ~ 2nd Team All League, Ava Dix ~ 3rd Team All League, Aubrey Kesler ~ 3rd Team All League, and Jack Gasper ~ Honorable Mention.
Proud of our Tiger Basketball Teams! 🏀

Special board meeting tomorrow, March 7, at 7:45 at the District Office.

Cut it out, make a pattern, make a patch, weld it in and repeat until all the rust is gone. Auto Tech class

Notice Of Public Meeting. We welcome information from the public about moving USD #271 District Office. Please come to the public meeting Monday, March 3, 2025
5:00 pm at the District Office.

At the KSHSAA 3-1A State Championship our Tiger wrestlers truly left it all on the mat. 4 of our 8 qualifiers made the podium, but they all wrestled hard and have much to be proud of.
Ashlyn Hahn finished her final Tiger season undefeated and took 1st 🥇 on the podium. She was also honored as Regional Wrestler of the Year.
Carolina Northup took the podium in 2nd place 🥈, Saj Snyder was 4th on the podium, and Senior Emerson Lowry finished his High School wrestling career with a hard fought 6th place.
We are so very proud of all of our Tiger Wrestlers! #TigerPride271

Link for our Lady Tiger Basketball 🏀 game at Claflin: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ks/claflin/organization/39578/central-plains-high-school

🎼 This young lady sang her heart out and met new friends who also have the love of music. Emery Peterson, was an amazing representative Stockton Schools at the KMEA Honor Choir in Wichita on 2/27. Thank you to Mrs. Riener and her parents! 🎶

Dr. Anthony Cole took his Earth Science students to visit the rock formations at Webster State Park on Thursday. The students are currently studying geologic time in their classes. While there, they got to look for fossils from the Cretaceous Period. They found many examples of ancient marine life from the warm, shallow Western Interior Sea that covered present day Kansas 145 to 66 millions years ago.

It is Go Time for our Tiger Wrestlers! If you are coming to FHSU our Tiger Fans are in sections 9-10! Or you can watch on KOOD!

i-Ready Annual Typical Growth and Annual Stretch Growth
i-Ready's Annual Typical Growth represents the expected growth a student should make in one academic year to stay on track for grade-level proficiency. It is based on the performance of students who started at a similar level and measures progress toward grade-level expectations.
Annual Stretch Growth, on the other hand, is a more ambitious target designed to close achievement gaps, particularly for students who start below grade level. Meeting Stretch Growth indicates a student is making accelerated progress toward catching up to or surpassing grade-level standards. Schools use these measures to monitor progress and inform instructional decisions. Congratuations to these two groups of students for meeting one of the two goals! The larger group has already met typical growth at the semester and the smaller group met stretch growth!

Screen Time Negatively Impacts Early Childhood Development
During a recent professional development session for early childhood educators and speech-language pathologists, the following graphic was shared. We will be sharing more information in the following days on the topic of the negative impact screen time has on early childhood development.

Next week is Read Across America Week!
Let's Celebrate Together Next Week at SGS!

On February 27th at 3:00 PM in the SHS gym, let's show our support for the Stockton Tiger wrestlers and send them off as they head to state. Come cheer them on and celebrate their hard work and dedication. Public is welcome!

Come out and cheer on our Lady Tigers play in the 1st Round of Sub-State! Game time is 7:00 pm in Claflin, KS!

We want to extend our gratitude to the board members, families, classes, and community members who came out to support our young Rooks Co. entrepreneurs! Your encouragement means the world to our students as they step out and explore their business ideas.
Congratulations to our Stockton students—many of whom walked away as winners! We are so proud to share that our students took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the competition.
A special thank you to Ms. Moffet and Ms. Basart for inspiring and pushing our students to take a chance on their ideas. Your dedication makes a difference! And a big shoutout to Ms. Bennett for stepping up and allowing us to use her room at the last minute.
It was truly a great day to be a Tiger! #USD271Proud

On the 24th of February, Dr. Cole took his chemistry class to the Western Plains Energy ethanol plant near Oakley, KS. They toured the plant to observe the processes involved from the receipt of grain, fermentation of the grain, distillation of the ethanol to the shipping of the distillers grain. They learned about the jobs that are required at the facility as well as the chemistry, computer science and business skills necessary to operate the plant. The tour is provided by the Kansas Corn Commission's Seed to STEM Program, to bring awareness of the importance of agriculture in the energy sector.