SHJS Volleyball Update: The last day for open gym was held this week. The gym floors will be conditioned and the gym will not be open. We will see you at enrollment and at your first practice on 8/19.
Enrollment Day
Grades Preschool-Senior
August 1, 2019
Stockton Schools Cafeteria
click here for the School Supply List:
Six SHS Wrestlers are gaining experience and learning new skills at UNK Kearney Wrestling Camp this week
Kansas Teens-the Kansas State Department of Education needs to hear your voice! The Blue Ribbon Task Force on Bullying has been seeking input from Kansas citizens.
Now Kansas teens are being asked to share their thoughts on bullying, too, by visiting
Encourage teens that you know to visit the site and answer this question: What can we do to prevent bullying in Kansas schools?
All information gathered from the regional meetings will be used to help develop recommendations, which will be presented to the Kansas State Board of Education in December. (Taken from KSDE Email)
Junior High Volleyball Open Gym --
Coach Billinger will have the SGS gym open for volleyball on Wednesdays for SJHS students from 9am-10am starting on June 12th.
State Pre-K 4 Year Old At-Risk Program
USD 271-Stockton Grade School has preschool openings available for children who meet the following criteria:
1-Qualifies for free lunch program
2-Single parent. Custodial parent is unmarried on the first day of school
3-Teen parent. One parent was a teen when the child was born
4-Either parent lacks a high school diploma or GED.
5-Limited English proficiency
6-Lower than expected developmental progress
7-Child qualifies for migrant status
8-Dept. of Children and Family referral
Please contact us if your child will be 4 on or before August 31, 2019 and meets one or more of the criteria. Stockton Grade School 785-425-6120
Little Tigers volleyball camp was held for grades K-6 this week. The high school volleyball team taught them how to pass, set, serve and spike. Thank you to all of the girls that participated and to the high school girls for getting up early and spending all day in the gym between camp, the INSPIRE camp, and summer league! Go Tigers! 🏐🐯🐾
Summer is a time for continuous learning! We can't wait to hear all about your summer experiences! Don't let the summer break slow you down in August!
Best wishes to Tatum at the KSHSAA State Track Meet! She is scheduled to run on Saturday at 8:30AM. Her event is the 100 M Dash. You can watch live at
It's time for another reading bingo card! It's Summer Break Reading Bingo time! This card covers a variety of ages so if you need to adjust one or two boxes, please make it work for your child(ren)! Please share the BLACK OUT cards with Mrs. Green when we return in August!
Our summer lunch program will start on Tuesday, May 28th. Come join us for a free and healthy meal for children up to age 18.
Congratulations to Brady Beougher on his 3rd place finish at State Golf! #TigerPride
On our last day with staff we recognized those who will be retiring and those transitioning to a new school. You will be missed. Thank you! #TigerPride271 forever!
Summer Lunch Menu
Good Luck to our SHS Golf team at State!
Tiger Nation will be having a send-off from the HS for our State Qualifiers! Golf send-off Sunday at 10 / Tatum’s send-off Friday at noon
Congratulations to Tatum Hamilton for qualifying for State Track in the 100 meter Dash. Good Luck Tatum! #TigerPride
Thank you to Western Electric Cooperative for your amazing and informative presentations on electricity safety for our K-3 students!
Congratularions to these four students for perfect attendance during the 2018-19 school year! Every day matters!
Reminder: High School and Junior High INSPIRE Volleyball camp forms are due to Mrs. Billinger or Ms. Nichols by May 30th. The cost is $55 and will be put on by the University of St. Mary's Head Coach. Camp dates are June 4-6.
Reminder: Little Tigers Volleyball Camp forms need to be turned into Ms. Nichols by May 20th. The cost is $25 which includes a camp shirt. Cost after the 20th will be $20 without a t-shirt. Camp will be from 8-9 June 4-6 hosted by the Stockton High School Volleyball Team.