Homecoming Parade 2020 - There will be a Golf Cart Parade and Pep Rally at Tiger Stadium on Friday, 9/25/20 at 3:00 pm. There will be no parade route down Main Street this year. Community members who choose to attend this event will enter the stadium through the drive-in gate on the south west side. Please stay in or near your vehicles. The visitors' side bleachers are also open. As always, we ask that you wear your face covering and social distance. There will be no community members allowed on the track, football field or in the home bleachers, as this is where our students will be seated.
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
The SHS FCA would like to invite you to “See You at the Pole 2020”. Wednesday, September 23rd at 7:30 am. Meet us at the flag pole in front of the High School. Breakfast items will be available. #syatp2020
over 4 years ago, USD 271
2020-09-18 For the week of September 21 through 25, all schools in Rooks County plan to continue with in-person learning. Our decision is based on a continued low level of absenteeism in the schools (only 0.5% above baseline from the 2019-2020 school year), a low positive testing rate in the county (5.7% over the last two weeks) and a decreasing incidence rate in Rooks County over the last two weeks. When reviewing all relevant metrics for COVID-19 in our county, we are in the green zone, which means we may continue with our current method of education according to the Kansas State Department of Education Navigating Change guidelines. All of the districts in the county have the same goal of keeping our students in school. Our health experts recommend we continue in-person learning with universal masking and social distancing precautions in place. We appreciate the support of our families as we work together to provide a healthy environment for our students. We will continue to monitor the data closely and provide another update next Friday. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions about the information or the decision.
over 4 years ago, Stacey Green
SHS Volleyball at home on Tuesday, 9/22/20 with Oakley, Russell 5:00 pm - Varsity in SHS Gym: Stockton vs. Oakley, Oakley vs Russell, Stockton vs. Russell. JV in SJHS Gym 5:00 pm: Oakley vs Russell, Stockton vs Oakley. Remnder:
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SJHS Volleyball on Monday, 9/21/20 at Hill City 4:00 pm at the high school, Order of play: A Team - Hill City vs Phillipsburg B Team - Stockton vs. Phillipsburg A Team - Stockton vs. Phillipsburg B Team - Hill City vs. Stockton A Team - Hill City vs Stockton
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Attention Tiger Fans: Our Homecoming Activities for the Week of Sept.  21 thru Sept. 25 will proceed as planned, our football opponent on Friday, 9/25/20 will be Spearville High School.  Kick-Off will be 6:30 pm and Crowing will be 6:00 pm   
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Spirit Week Dress Up Days for all USD #271 Students 9/21 thru 9/25 MONDAY: Class Color Day Preschool - Green Kindergarten - Red 1st Grade - Purple 2nd Grade - Teal 3rd Grade - Pink 4th Grade - Blue 5th Grade - Orange 6th Grade - Yellow 7th Grade - Neon 8th Grade - Purple 9th Grade - Yellow 10th Grade - Orange 11th Grade - Red 12th Grade - Pink TUESDAY: Sport Day or College Shirt Day WEDNESDAY: USA Day/Patriotic Day/Red, White, Blue Day THURSDAY: Movie Character Day FRIDAY: Blue and White Pride Day
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Stockton Football Shirt Store: http://stocktonfootball.itemorder.com/
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Stockton Volleyball Shirt Store is open back up: stocktonvolleyball.itemorder.com
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
2020 Homecoming Court for SHS Queen Candidates: Logan Winklepleck, Harley Kester, Chloe Plumer King Candidates: Jace Hull, Markeis Spiller, Troy Rogers Candidates: Kaisyn Muir and Cohen Muir
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SMILE! 😊 USD 271 Picture Day is Tuesday, September 15th! #TigerPride271
over 4 years ago, Stacey Green
SGS Grades K-5 will celebrate International Dot Day on Friday, September 18! We encourage everyone to wear DOTS! We will continue to make our mark on the world! #TigerPride271
over 4 years ago, Stacey Green
Dot day
SHS Football vs. Wheatland on Friday, 9/18/20. The game will be played at the Grinnell Middle School at Grinnell 7:00 pm - No Admissions will be charged. Visitor’s parking is located on the east side of the football field and fans will sit on the south side of the football field. COVID Guidelines for Fans: Fans: · All fans are asked to social distance · Masks are recommended when social distancing cannot occur · Fans are asked to wear masks while at the concession area and restroom facilities · Fans are asked to stay off the field after games to help limit large group gatherings
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
JH & HS XC at Smith Center on Thursday 9/17/20 4:30 pm
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SJHS VB & FB at Home on Thursday, 9/17/20 with Wilson - 4:00 pm - Volleyball in High School order of play BAC. 6:00 pm - Football at Tiger Stadium
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SHS Volleyball at Trego on Tuesday, 9/15/20 5:00 pm - TCHS New Gym - Trego vs Stockton, TMP vs. Stockton, Trego vs TMP. There will be no JV Games. Team dismissed at 2:20 pm
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
2020-09-11 As we settle into the 2020-2021 school year, we want to share information from our school team to you, the families who entrust us with your children. All schools in our county are participating in a weekly call to review the current metrics, consider the overall situation in the county, consult with local health experts and make a plan for the following week. One of our goals is to send out an informational message each week on Friday afternoon that will include the learning plan for the following week as well as some of the data on which we base our decision. For the week of September 14 through 18, all schools in Rooks County plan to continue with in-person learning. Our decision is based on a low level of absenteeism in the schools (less than 3% above baseline from the 2019-2020 school year) and a relatively low positive testing rate in the county (6.2% over the last two weeks). Based on this information and other metrics, including hospital capacity and number of new cases in our county, our health experts support our decision to continue in-person learning under the condition that all students and staff continue to wear masks and socially distance. It is clear these measures have been effective at preventing COVID spread in the event of an infected student or staff member. We will continue to monitor the data closely and provide another update next Friday. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions about the information or the decision.
over 4 years ago, Stacey Green
SHS Football at Home Tonight against Logan/Palco Senior Parent Night 6:40 pm Kick-Off at 7:00 pm If you can not make it to the game, it will be live streamed: https://youtu.be/ZJtZxBDDleA
over 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Tech Interns at work
over 4 years ago, USD 271
The USDA has approved Free lunches for all students through December 30th.
over 4 years ago, USD 271
USDA Letter