Stockton 8th Grade and SHS Choirs will be caroling downtown, feel free to step outside and enjoy our music as we spread Christmas cheer.
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SHS Wrestling at Russell on Saturday, 12/19/20 - 10:00 am start - NO SPECTATORS ALLOWED Live Streaming:
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Links for SHS Basketball at home on 12/18/20 against TMP starting at 6:00 pm:
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Links for SJHS Basketball at home against Russell on Thursday, 12/17/20: Girls Games: Boys Games: USD 271 Stockton School Facebook Live Stream
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Live Streaming for SJHS Basketball at Smith Center tonight 12/14/20: The boys will be on Smith Center Redmen Youtube channel. The girls will be on Smith Center Redmen2 Youtube channel.
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SJHS Basketball at Smith Center on 12/14/20. The games will start at 4:30 PM (change from 4:00 PM). Boys will play at the SC High School w/ 2 quarters of B followed by a full A game. The girls will play at SC Grade School w/ the A game first followed by 2 quarters of B. 2 parents per participant. Masks are required. Good luck Tigers!
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
KSHSAA and USD 271 Parent/Guardian Event Update USD 271 Board of Education, at a special Board meeting, approved that two parents/guardians (per family) can attend events, if the facility can accommodate 6 foot social distancing.  USD 271 will follow the new KSHSAA guidelines regarding participation and spectators. Parents/guardians will be required to wear face masks at all times in the building and must social distance 6 feet apart from each other.  Parents/guardians must be listed on the pass gate to enter the facility.  The pass gate policy will be implemented for all MCL schools.  Additional information regarding MCL decisions will be posted on our social media sites. In order to maintain two parents/guardians as spectators and keep a 6 foot social distance we would ask parents/guardians to only attend games their student is participating in. There will be no concession stand at events. USD 271 will continue to live stream all events. Bill Lowry, Supt.  USD #271            421 Main StreetStockton, KS 67669 785-425-6367
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
2020-12-11 Rooks County continues to see new COVID-19 cases throughout the county. The absenteeism rate is at 6.7% above the baseline from 2019-2020. The positive testing rate has decreased slightly to 27.9% this week. We continue to monitor numbers closely. Rooks County districts are dedicated to doing whatever we can to keep our students safe and to provide them the opportunity to participate in the activities. Our goal is to remain in school before the holiday break. We plan to continue in-person learning for the week of December 14-18, 2020. If there is any adjustment required to the learning setting due to concerns in the schools, we will update your family quickly following a decision. We ask you to do everything you can to help us keep our students in school and our community in a healthy place. Please wear a mask when you interact with anyone outside your immediate household and avoid all gatherings, large and small. We are thankful to live in a county where we take care of one another. Happy Holidays from the Rooks County medical providers and school district employees! Bill Lowry, Supt. USD #271 421 Main Street Stockton, KS 67669 785-425-6367
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
Christmas 8-12 FCA Huddle in the morning! Breakfast and time together! See you at 7:30
about 4 years ago, USD 271
USD 271 - Calendar Update January 18, 2021 will be a day of Professional Inservice for USD 271 staff. There will be no school for students on January 18th. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
SHS Basketball on Tuesday, 12/15/20 at Wakeeney 6:00 pm - Varsity Girls followed by Varsity Boys. Live Stream link will be:
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SHS Wrestling on Friday, 12/11/20 at Ellis 2:00 pm..Live stream:
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SHS Varsity Basketball will play at Osborne on Saturday, 12/12/20 starting at 3:00 pm with Varsity Girls followed by Varsity Boys. Live Stream on USD 392 Osborne County Facebook Page.
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
SHS Varsity Basketball will play at Thunder Ridge on Friday, 12/11/20 starting at 6:00 pm with Varsity Girls followed by Varsity Boys. Live Stream Link:
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
MCEL Girls Basketball Tournament at Stockton on Thursday, 12/10/20 6:00 pm -Live Stream Link:
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
20.12.07 USD 271 and Rooks County Health Department will be using the Modified Isolation and Quarantine Requirements set by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment in order to provide students and staff with a safe on-site learning environment in the event of a positive case of COVID-19 in a student or staff member. We currently have a classroom in one of our buildings that we are using the modified Isolation and Quarantine on due to an exposure from COVID-19. The Rooks County Health Department HAS CONTACTED all of the direct contacts to the positive case, all staff, and parents of the students in the specific classroom.
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
FCA Huddle this Thursday, December 10 at 7:30 am in the gym! See you all there! ✝️
about 4 years ago, USD 271
On November 13th, the Main Street Christian Church arrived at SGS to share an act of kindness and love from our community! Thank you for the pop and chips! We appreciate you! #BetterTogether #TigerPride271
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
Early Dismissal - 2:15 pm - Wednesday, December 9, 2020 USD 271 Staff Professional Development
about 4 years ago, Stacey Green
MCEL Girls Tournament on Saturday, 12/5/20, we have a new link for the games taking place in the High School gym at Stockton:
about 4 years ago, Marcia Hrabe