Kansas Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson is once again facilitating community conversations across the state to gather feedback on the state’s vision for K-12 education. The Kansans Can Success Tour is a 50-city event that kicks off July 26 in Salina. Commissioner Watson, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Brad Neuenswander and members of the Kansas State Board of Education will gather community input on the current direction for Kansas K-12 education and share progress made toward achieving the vision established by the Kansas State Board of Education. The 2021 tour is a follow-up to the Kansas Children. Kansas’ Future. community conversations tour that took place in 2015. Using the feedback gathered during that tour, the State Board created a new vision for education: Kansas leads the world in the success of each student. Now, nearly six years later, parents, educators, legislators, school board members, business community members, and all other interested parties are again being asked to lend their voices to the conversation. Our two closest sites are: 9-10:30 a.m. Hays USD 489 Hays High School Cafeteria - 2300 E. 13th St., Hays, KS 1-2:30 p.m. Phillipsburg USD 325 Huck Boyd Center - 860 Park Street, Phillipsburg, KS
over 3 years ago, USD 271
KSDE is in the process of developing the 2020 – 2025 State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This evaluates the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and describes how the state will improve special education. The SPP/APR includes indicators that measure child and family outcomes, as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements. There are PowerPoints that explain any proposed or required indicator changes and the proposed projected targets for the indicators for the next SPP/APR cycle. There are surveys for individuals to share their feedback on the indicators. The PowerPoints and survey links are located on the SPP/APR page of the KSDE website, https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Special-Education-and-Title-Services/Special-Education/KIAS/SPP-and-APR. Please review the Kansas SPP/APR data visualizations at https://public.tableau.com/profile/general.supervision.timely.and.accurate.data#!/. The PowerPoints and surveys are available from July 9 through August 13. Those with longer or more general feedback on special education in Kansas may call 1-800-203-9462 to leave their story and ideas for improvement via voicemail.
over 3 years ago, USD 271
Tiger Nation - Tiger Shirts : https://tigernation.itemorder.com/
over 3 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
The Tiger Football Team is hosting a Grade School camp for Grades Kindergarten - 6th Grade on August 2nd & 3rd. See Flyer for Grade splits and times. Please click the link to pre-order camp shirts before July21st: https://forms.gle/yx8EmuSF7WaR6Y6TA
over 3 years ago, USD 271
football camp
SHS Cheerleaders are hosting a Cheer camp for Grade School Students August 2nd & 3rd. See flyer for Information. Click the link to pre-order camp shirt by July 21st: https://forms.gle/S35P6PtB79bnkBMW8
over 3 years ago, USD 271
cheer camp
Attention 4-H, FFA and Open Class Exhibitors: POULTRY TESTING PRIOR TO FAIR EXHIBITION Chickens, turkeys, and game birds must be tested for Avian Influenza and Pullorum-typhoid prior to exhibition at the Rooks County Free Fair. Testing will be provided July 20 from 6-8 p.m. at the Rooks County Fairgrounds. This will be for all birds that will be exhibited (4-H, FFA, and Open Class). Birds must have a negative test result to exhibit at the fair.
over 3 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
USD #271 Students in grades 4-12 who need sports physicals, please check out the post 3 days ago on our social media about Sports Physical day on 7/30/21.
over 3 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
We are TIGER Ready for the 2021-2022 School Year! Enrollment is scheduled for the week of July 26-30. Letters will go out on Friday, July 16th.
over 3 years ago, Stacey Green
School Supply Lists for 4th-7th Grades for 2021-2022
over 3 years ago, USD 271
School Supply Lists PreK-3rd Grader 2021-2022
over 3 years ago, USD 271
1st 2nd
Let's try again... Hello SGS Stockton Tigers! It is time to register for our final week of Summer Learning! Please take a few minutes now to enroll now. The last day to enroll is July 21. July 26-30 We are Explorers! will be our theme. https://forms.gle/85EShgXm5cGrm1Lg6
over 3 years ago, Stacey Green
week 3
Hello SGS Stockton Tigers! It is time to register for our final week of Summer Learning! Please take a few minutes now to enroll now. The last day to enroll is July 21. July 26-30 We are Explorers! will be our theme. https://forms.gle/biCfrddPu8mpcDk26
over 3 years ago, Stacey Green
week 3
Dear Parents, We are happy to offer sports physicals this year for Stockton Jr. and Sr. High athletes and their siblings. This year's date is Friday, July 30, 2021 and we will be doing physicals in the morning and they will be done at the Solomon Valley Family Medicine Clinic. Please contact Marcia Hrabe via email at mhrabe@usd271.com to schedule a time for your student. We may not be able to accommodate students who arrive without a scheduled appointment, so email ahead to reserve your spot! We will charge $25 for each student, due on the date of the physical. We will not be completing additional camp forms. Please have cash or make your check payable to Post Rock Family Medicine. Due to the special nature of this opportunity, we are unable to offer other health services on this date (immunizations, medication refills, evaluation of acute illness). We are very happy to address musculoskeletal complaints as they relate to sports participation (i.e., can the athlete participate) but will not offer diagnosis or treatment. If there are any abnormalities found during the sports physical, they will be noted on the form and you will need to follow up with your student athlete's family doctor. Please read this letter carefully to ensure your child is ready on the day of the physical and passes the screening portion without difficulty. If you have concerns about your child's sports participation, we would encourage you to have his/her sports physical performed by their family doctor so you can address concerns at that time. First, please prepare a pre-participation exam form (see links below) Complete all five steps on the cover page prior to arriving. We are not able to complete the sports physical if the form has not been signed by the student’s parent. If your student has any "yes" answers on the screening questions which have not been evaluated and resolved, we recommend your child have their physical with their family physician to address these at the time of the exam. Second, please send a copy of your child's immunization form or fill in vaccine dates at the top of page 3 on the form. Kansas law requires vaccinations be current before entering the next school year. We will send home notification with your student of any requirements for the coming school year, if indicated. We recommend checking with your family doctor or the health department for any immunization needs and obtaining vaccines before the sports physical. On the day of the physical, please have your student wear shorts and a t-shirt for his/her physical. If your child requires contacts or glasses to pass a vision screen, please remind them to wear them on the date of the physical. We cannot pass students who fail the vision screening. We are excited to be joined by the physical therapy team from Rooks County Health Center. They will be doing a comprehensive musculoskeletal exam for each athlete - a definite bonus for your student! We look forward to seeing your student on July 30! Michael Oller, MD and Beth Oller, MD Click here for Physical Form: https://5il.co/vanm Click here for Concussion Form: https://5il.co/vank
over 3 years ago, USD 271
School Physicals
Juniors Reminder: Tomorrow, 7/9/21 from 9 am to 3 pm is your time to come schedule your classes for this coming year. You were sent an email on 7/2/21 with more information.
over 3 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Sports Physical Day for Stockton School Grades 4th through 12th. If you have not gotten your sports physical yet, put this date on your calendar. Date is: 7/30/21 - more information to following
over 3 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Seniors Reminder today, is your time from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm to select your classes for this coming school year. More information was emailed to you on 7/2/21.
over 3 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Sunflower Summer program gives students chance to learn while visiting attractions TOPEKA — A new program will help children stay engaged in learning throughout the summer months while spending quality time with family members and friends touring some of Kansas’ greatest attractions – all for free. The Sunflower Summer program, which is being funded by federal COVID-19 money to offer summer enrichment activities for Kansas students, is a collaboration between the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), Kansas Department of Commerce, the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund, KU Center for Public Partnerships and Research, and Greenbush Education Service Center. “This is a win-win for Kansas students and Kansas attractions,” said Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson. “The Sunflower Summer program can help enrich summer learning and is an excellent opportunity for students and families to go on educational adventures together while supporting nearly 70 Kansas attractions.” Adults can visit sunflowersummer.org to download the Sunflower Summer mobile app to their phone or tablet device. The app is currently available in the Apple App Store. However, the app isn’t available yet in Google Play because of delays in the Google review process. Android users can still utilize the program by filling out a paper form upon arrival at venues. Once Google accepts the app into the Play Store, KSDE will send out a notification. An adult will need to register their family members and include their county and school district. There are nearly 70 attractions to choose from across the state, including zoos, museums, historic landmarks, libraries and outdoor locations. Within the Sunflower Summer app is a passport that allows participants to track where they have visited on their adventures. Once a location has been selected, tickets can be claimed within the app. When attendees are ready to enter, the ticket can be activated and presented to the ticket taker. Child care facilities also can access and use the app for field trips. However, only one ticket per child and adult can be redeemed at each location. More information and a frequently-asked-questions section are available at www.sunflowersummer.org. The Sunflower Summer program runs through Aug. 15. Funding for this program is limited, and tickets are on a first-come, first-served basis.
over 3 years ago, USD 271
Sunflower Summer
USD 271 has opportunities for you! If you have an interest in our youth, please see if your gifts and talents align with any of these positions. Please contact the district office for application guidelines.
over 3 years ago, Stacey Green
teach and coach
Attention SHS Students grades 9-12 you need to check your school email about class schedules
over 3 years ago, Marcia Hrabe
Tiger Alley Construction Update: Starting Monday, June 28, Tiger Alley will be closed for construction. Anyone picking up lunch/breakfast will need to park behind SHS and walk to the cafeteria for lunch/breakfast pickup. Students will not be able to walk or bike though Tiger Alley. Thank you for your cooperation. Please practice extra safety precautions. We will update as needed.
over 3 years ago, Stacey Green