Homecoming Crowning Ceremonies at 6:30 pm on Friday, 9/17/21 at Tiger Stadium
Kick-Off between Stockton and Wheatland at 7:00 pm
Homecoming Parade starting from the High School at 2:45 pm, down mainstreet and conclude at the intersection of Walnut and Main for Pep Rally!!
All Stockton High School Home Sporting Events this year will be live streamed at this site, you will have to subscribe to the site and there is a fee: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/stockton-high-school-stockton-ks?drilldown=upcoming
Wednesday is Picture Day at Stockton Schools!
Each student will have their picture taken for school records.
Purchasing is optional.
Rooks County School Districts’ Update - September 10, 2021
As we begin the new school year, we want to share information with you from our Rooks County Administrative Team. Districts in our county are participating in a weekly meeting to review the current health data, consider the overall situation in the county, consult with local health experts and discuss the plans for each of our districts. We plan to send out an informational message each week on Friday afternoon.
Our decision is based on a relatively low positive testing rate in the county and a decreasing rate of new cases in the county over the last several days. We currently have 11 active cases of COVID-19 in the county, with a 2 week positivity rate of 20.5% as of 9/4/2021. Unfortunately, we are seeing younger students this year who are testing positive with COVID. Since school started, we have had 6 students and 1 staff member with positive COVID tests in the county.
Each week we will review this information and other metrics, including hospital capacity and number of new cases in our county, to determine if we are able to continue in-person learning.
We will continue to monitor the data closely and provide another update next Friday. Please feel free to contact school administration directly if you have any questions about the information.
Bill Lowry, Supt.
USD #271
421 Main Street
Stockton, KS 67669
"Together We R.I.S.E."
Mini Strider Camp
School Picture Day is Wednesday, September 15th!
Our first FCA Huddle for the year is TOMORROW! See you in the HS library at 7:30. All Students 8-12 are welcome 🤗
USD 271 has open positions for paraprofessionals. We need paraprofessional substitutes and teacher substitutes.
Our SJHS basketball season will start in mid-October and we have the following positions open.
Our SJHS Stuco has news to share...
SHS Varsity Volleyball at Wakeeney on Saturday, 9/11/21 8:30 am - We play on the west court and we play 1st, 4th and 6th
SHS Football at Logan/Palco at Logan on Friday, 9/10/21 7:00 pm.
HS and Jr. High XC at Home on 9/9/21 at Webster State Park on Thursday, 9/9/21 at 4:00 pm Order of running: 4:00 pm - JH Girls & Boys, Approx 4:30 pm - Girls Varsity, Aprox, 5:15 pm Boys Varsity, Approx 5:45 pm - JV Boys & Girls
JH Volleyball will play at Home on Thursday, 9/9/21 against Leoti at 4:00 pm in the Jr. High Gym
JH Football on Thursday, 9/9/21 at home against Leoti at 6:00 pm at Tiger Stadium
SHS Volleyball on Tuesday, 9/7/21 at Wakeeney 5:00 pm - East Court - Varsity - we play 1st and 2nd - West Court JV - we play 1st and 2nd.
September lunch menu
Stockton HS and JH football teams will have practice on Monday, 9/6/21 at normal time which is 3:30 pm
Cross Country - no substitutes, no time outs, and it’s in the open air! Congrats to our SHS first place finisher, Hamel, who competed at Norton and to our SJHS runner on her first competition! USD 271 will host on 9/9 at 4 pm at Webster State Park! #TigerPride271
Congratulations to 2021 Homecoming King and Queen Candidates:
Olivia Dix, Maddy Moffet, Delany Snyder, Rylan Basart, Camden Iwanski and Austin Mitchell
9 am-2pm
SHS will transport those registered students and they will be fed lunch. The class includes practical and relevant information on how to increase your ACT score. Visit https://actprep.info/stockton to register or have your student visit with Mr. Bennett or Mrs. Cravens for help. Cost is $5, after Sept. 15 it will cost $15. (785) 425-6784 for questions.