Homecoming Spirit Week
about 6 years ago, Bobbi Basart
Spirit Week
Internships with our IT director are all hands-on! What is your passion? #TigerPride271 @ksderedesign #kstothemoon
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Chromebook screen repairs
3D printer repairs are being made
Redesign Community Meeting Night! EdCamp style! Conversations on standards based grading, communities, and personalized learning. #TigerPride271 @ksderedesign #Kstothemoon
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Great conversations.
September’s USD 271 0-6 Reads had a floor full but there is always room for more! Building home libraries! #TigerPride271 @ksderedesign
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Everyone leaves with a book!
Olivia works on being a teammate!
Our first Family Night Pk-7 is a hit! Over 75 participating in PE! #TigerPride271 @ksderedesign
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Ready to go!
Seven stations.
Check out our school App in your App Store
about 6 years ago, Bobbi Basart
Our school App
The 2018 Homecoming Candidates are: Malynn Plumer, Katy Kriley, Emma Bedore, Brady Beougher, Jalen Basart, Nathan Thomas
about 6 years ago, Bobbi Basart
Our SHS Leadership Class is planning for an event. They were talking through a contract today. #TigerPride271 @ksderedesign
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Great questions.
International Dot Day! Year 7 at SGS. Our students in grades k-3 are celebrating today! #TigerPride271
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Start with a dot. Make your mark!
6th grade students work on map skills. They made a map of their classroom and placed windows, doors, and other permanent physical structures in place. Measurement was important.
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Adding details to the key.
We hope you can join us on September 17th for an evening full of activities and information! * 6pm-7pm SGS Family Involvement Night w/ PE @ SGS Main Gym. *6:30pm 0-6 Reading Night In the SGS Library (Join us for PE Night first!) *7pm-8pm USD 271 Redesign Community Mtg @ SHS. Edcamp style with the topics: Standards Based Grading, Communities, and Personalized Learning.
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Thank you! #TigerPride271
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
A great day for Cross Country!
Reminder~ Lunch payments are due Friday, Sept 14. Questions or balances call the District office 785-425-6367
about 6 years ago, Bobbi Basart
“Knots in my YoYo String” was our story this week. Life lesson behind the story was that sometimes our life can get tangled in knots, but that doesn’t mean to give up. We can undo those knots with hard work, dedication, help from others, and perseverance. The 6th grade had fun working together at learning new knots. Building character and community in my in my classroom.
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Building community
KAY Membership Breakfast! Tuesday, September 11th at 7:30am on the Stage! Come enjoy breakfast on us and hear about the KAY club!
about 6 years ago, Bobbi Basart
The 7-12 Tiger Marching Band will be at the Kansas State Fair Mon, Sept 10 preform @ 10:40. Leave at 6:30 am Monday! Bring $$ for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Black band pants, blue band shirt, and blue jackets. No sandals, flip flops, or boots. Practice at 7:15 am Friday am
about 6 years ago, Bobbi Basart
We need your help on feedback to make us better, more user friendly and to redesign what we do! The article linked below may jump start your thoughts on these questions and ideas.
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
We are offering the link here as an opportunity for patrons and parents to guide us into their interests for our EdCamp on May 05. https://goo.gl/forms/ieBYACLEDX8sokuW2
about 6 years ago, Stacey Green
Welcome to our new Website! http://apptegy.com
over 6 years ago, Stacey Green