Today is National Law Enforcement Day! We are thankful for our DARE officers, officers who assist with morning arrival, and those that serve us for whatever need arises! Thank you-every day! Today we surprised Undersheriff Sterling with a thank you! #TigerPride271
Our USD 271 board members were recognized for their service this week. They were given gifts made by our SHS Skilled Mechanical Crafts class and our SGS and SHS student council members presented the gifts and thanked our members. We are grateful! #TigerPride271 @kasb
Our USD 271 board members were recognized for their service this week. They were given gifts made by our SHS Skilled Mechanical Crafts class and our SGS and SHS student council members presented the gifts and thanked our members. We are grateful!
Monday night was the final board of education meeting for these stakeholders! We thank you for your service and commitment to USD 271. 10 years of service. 8 years of service. 12 years of service. @kasb #TigerPride271 We value our board members!
Let’s fill the SHS gym this Tuesday, 1/7, for the games with the Golden Plains Bulldogs!
Spirit Day- Wear Your Tie Dye! Sign up for a chance to win a gift card!
We highly recommend KSDE’s Personalized Learning PD! Our staff returned from their break on 🔥 to learn! The content and delivery were great! The conversations among staff were phenomenal! @ksderedesign @ksdehq #TigerPride271
The start of the second semester of the 2019-20 school year is one week away! We hope you have been reading. We are sharing a fun way to bring reading into your life over the next week. If you have two rows filled by Monday, 1/6/20, please share it with Mrs. Green!
Let's read!
Donate to the USD 271 Art Program! We thank you in advance. Items can be sent with students or dropped off at the Stockton Grade School office!
The SHS Wrestlers had a great day with 6 wrestlers taking the podium. Great job and congratulations to all of you. #TigerPride271
The final night of SJHS basketball was tonight. Thank you to our coaches and sponsors for investing time in our youth! #TigerPride271
Thursday is our last collection day for our community food bank! We will share another update tomorrow! Give generously! #TigerPride271
We have several unclaimed coats and jackets at SGS ! We will deliver these to the UMC Thrift Shop on Friday if they are not claimed!
USD 271’s 6-12 grade bands and choirs presented the “We Need a Little Christmas” program tonight! Thank you to our directors, Mrs. Riener and Miss Hockett. #TigerPride271
SHS Spirit Squad will be hosting a Little Girls Spirit Camp on January 2nd!
Principal Pie in the Face Contest to collect Food for our Food Pantry on December 20 at our game against Plainville
SHS choir went Christmas caroling this morning to local businesses around town. Thank you, businesses, for your support for our SHS students throughout the year!
Our special guests at SGS were Trooper Tod and Buster the Bus! Buster is a bus robot that teaches the important lessons of school bus safety! He moves, speaks, and shares a positive message about making good choices for personal safety! Thank you!
Congratulations to our SHS students who shared their talents and passion at the KMEA Honor Band and Choir events on Saturday at Fort Hays State University!
Tiger Wrestling came home with a lot of hardware following the Osborne Tournament. Markeis Spiller 3rd in 120lb, Justin Knoll 3rd in 126lb, Trenton Howell 3rd in 136lb, and Leighton Colburn 1st in 138lb. #TigerPride271
KMEA Elementary Honor Choir was held today on the campus of Fort Hays State University! Congratulations to our 6th grade participants! #TigerPride271