Spring Break Day 2 Challenge! Remember lunch is served from 11:30-12:30 and in Woodston from 11:30-12:00.
Monday Night's Bedtime Story
A new challenge each day on Facebook, Twitter, and on our webpage. www.usd271.com live feed.
Finally the weather is nice!
We are serving meals this week! Let’s break 100 meals served on Tuesday! Spread the word!
Tuesday, 3-24, curbside lunch will be:
Chicken Nuggets, Baked beans, fruit cup, and milk.
Breakfast for the next day will be:
Pancakes, juice and milk.
So glad to see everyone that came out to enjoy a meal and the nice weather!
A huge shout out to our AMAZING Food Service Staff at USD271!
They love our students! They are here to help meet the basic needs and support parents/guardians during this time!
Serving 1-18 year olds daily from 11:30-12:30 on M-F.
Grab and Go Lunch/Breakfast Served at USD 271!
Please enter behind SHS and drive West to East down Tiger Alley! We serve from 11:30-12:30 M-F. We also serve the Woodston area from 11:30-12:00. The pick-up site is the Woodston Methodist Fellowship Hall.
All children 1-18 receive this free meal.
Happy Sunday!
For Monday 3-23
For lunch we will have:
Pork Riblet on a homemade bun,
Peaches/pears, fresh veggies, Milk
Breakfast for the next day will be:
Cereal, juice, Milk
3-20 Lunch will be: Chicken Tetrazzini, bread stick, fresh veggies, fruit, milk.
Breakfast for the next day will be:
Frudel, juice, milk.
Frudel is like a strudel, fruit filled pastry.
USD 271 Shout Out to our amazing “Super Duper Disinfectors”! We thank you for your efforts! #TigerPride271
All USD 271 buildings are closed for deep cleaning and disinfection. Students and staff will be notified when we schedule reentry for release of personal items and technology devices. We thank you for your assistance!
How to talk with your kids about COVID-19
Lunch and next days breakfast.
Thursday 3-19 we will have hot ham and cheese pocket, fresh veggie bowl, fresh fruit, and milk. For Breakfast: pancakes, juice and milk.
USD 271 will serve meals on Friday and all of Spring Break, even though we are not “officially” in session.
Scholarship Interview Night has been postponed. Continue to complete the scholarships. Deadlines will be extended if necessary.
Governor Kelly made an executive order today to close schools for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. All activities will be canceled. This will include Prom and Graduation as currently scheduled. The Continuous Learning Committee will be making recommendations for the District to use to create a Continuous Learning plan for USD 271. This plan should be able to be completed by March 30th. It is a priority of our School District to develop a plan that all students can continue to learn and Seniors can earn their High School diploma. All of the teaching staff will be utilized in this plan. We will continue to serve breakfast and lunch during this period on a grab and go basis for children 1-18 years of age free of charge. By the end of the week, our custodial staff will have the entire district disinfected.
We can’t wait to share a message and a story with you at 11am and 4:30pm!
USD 271 Meal Plan for the Days of March 17-19, 2020
+Meals for Ages 1-18. No meals for adults.
+Lunch and Next Day Breakfast can be picked up from 11:30-12:30
+Children must be present for pick up.
+One Way Drive-Through from West to East down Tiger Alley.
+There will be a Woodston Meal Pick-up from 11:30-12:00 at the Methodist Fellowship Hall.
+No service on Friday of this week and Spring Break due to Food Service Regulations. If there is a change to this waiver we will communicate the change.
+We are working with the Stockton-Woodston Communities to serve meals on Friday and next week if our waiver isn’t extended.
USD 271 continues to work closely with our state department of education (KSDE) and our health experts (KDHE). Based on the latest information, we will close school this week, March 16-20, and observe our Spring Break next week, March 23-27. There will be no school activities during this time. We will continue to communicate updates during these two weeks.
USD 271 is closely monitoring the COVID-19 virus. We receive daily updates from KSDE who is working closely with KDHE and CDC. We are “mitigating the risk” of COVID-19 by following the guidelines and recommendations from the state’s medical leadership. We are asking all parents to self-report any out of state or out of country travel to the school office where your child(ren) attends. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are a fever and lower respiratory infection with cough. Students and staff may not attend school if they have not been fever free for 24 or more hours without the use of medication. We are under the direction of the Rooks County Health Department regarding school closure.
From KSHSAA. After the conclusion of the Quarter Finals the State Tournament is cancelled. http://kshsaa.org/
Stockton Tigers are a Final Four Team! 7th time in school history! We are Tiger Ready! #TigerPride271
The 8th grade Social Science class visited the Kansas Museum of History as well as the Brown v BOE Museum.