Stockton Return to School Plan Due to COVID-19
click here:
USD #271 Updated School Calendar (this is a change from the one printed on the back of the school calendars handed out)
We are giving thanks with a grateful ❤️ for donations of notebooks, face shields, chlorox wipes, and another donation of miscellaneous school supplies! Our students and staff are cared for by so many! Thank you! #TigerPride271
We are expressing our gratitude to another community partner! Thank you to VFW Auxiliary Post 8873 for your generous donation of 10 infrared no-touch thermometers! We are better together! #TigerPride271
USD 271 Preschool
August 27th is our first day.
AM session is from 8-11:30.
PM session is from 12-3:30.
A letter is postmarked 8/15 with more details for our preschool parents!
Countdown to Back-to-School! Two weeks from today we will welcome students to in-person learning in our schools!
August 27th- 1st day of school PreK-12
Our school day has changed and it is now: 8:00am-3:30pm
We ask that students not arrive at school before 7:40 am.
It’s a great day to be a Tiger!
We are better together! We are grateful to our families who have donated extra school supplies. This allows all students in our district to have this need met as we start the school year! We can’t thank you enough! ❤️ If you are in need of back to school items for your children, please call your school. #TigerPride271
We are celebrating professional milestones! Our NCKSEC staff returned this week for their Welcome Back inservice. These individuals were recognized for their years of service to the cooperative! Vicki Green-25 years. Jessica Billinger-20 years. Christina Hamel-20 years. Madison Green-5 years. We thank you for ALL you do for our students and families! #TigerPride271
FAQ regarding EO 20-59
KSDE: Frequently asked questions about Gov. Kelly's executive order on schools and COVID-19 #ksleg #ksed
A team of staff placed our new sensory walk last week! We will save the final reveal for our students! It’s amazing! Thank you to our staff! #TigerPride271
Click the link to view a message from SHS Principal, Gary McCown.
USD 271: Our SGS phone system is working! SHS has electricity! If you have not completed enrollment, please call or email so we can support you. If your student(s) will not be returning to USD 271 this fall, please call to let us know. Thank you!
SHS is without electricity so their staff can be found at SGS. The SGS/SHS phone system is also down. We are working on this issue. We will let you know when the system is back up! Happy Monday!
USD 271: We thank you for your patience with us on our first year of on-line enrollment. At 4pm we are going to hit “pause” on enrollment. On Monday morning we will resume enrollment and continue supporting you. It’s important for our staff to practice self-care this weekend and step away from work. Thank you!
Notice...this is the LAST DAY for the Summer Lunch Program! A huge thank you to our food service staff, janitors, and Foster Grandparent, Grandpa Glen.
For our final Thursday, 7-30, for lunch we will have
Turkey/ham Sandwich, lettuce, carrots, fruit, and milk.
Next day breakfast will be
Parfait, juice and milk.
Come share a smile and get a yummy meal!!
Thanks for coming!
Device check-in! We have several iPads and Chromebooks that need to be returned so we can be ready for students on the 27th of August! Devices can be dropped off anytime from 8-4 this week or you can call your school office for a special drop off time! Thanks for your assistance!
Where has the summer gone!!
Notice...this is the last week for the Summer Lunch Program! A huge thank you to our food service staff, janitors, and Foster Grandparent, Grandpa Glen.
For our final Wednesday, 7-29, for lunch we will have
Walking Nachos, lettuce, salsa, fruit, and milk.
Next day breakfast will be
Donuts, juice and milk.
Come share a smile and get a yummy meal!
Thank you to the Rooks County Health Center for your generous donation of school supplies for our USD 271 students! We are better together! #TigerPride271
Where has the summer gone!!
Notice...this is the last week for the Summer Lunch Program! A huge thank you to our food service staff, janitors, and Foster Grandparent, Grandpa Glen.
For our final Tuesday, 7-28, for lunch we will have
Sloppy Joe, vegetables, fruit, and milk.
Next day breakfast will be
Pop tart, juice and milk.
Come share a smile and get a yummy meal!
Where has the summer gone!!
Notice...this is the last week for the Summer Lunch Program! A huge thank you to our food service staff, janitors, and Foster Grandparent, Grandpa Glen.
For our final Monday, 7-27, for lunch we will have
Cheeseburger, fries, beans, fruit, and milk.
Next day breakfast will be
Bread, juice and milk.
Come share a smile and get a yummy meal!